Our People
Our People Make A Difference
Our teachers are committed to both academic excellence and spiritual growth for our students. Our administrators, faculty, and staff are essential to the school's success. Over 80 highly qualified and spiritually driven professionals serve in cultivating a distinctive generation.
Our Beliefs
Welcome From The Head Administrator

Since its founding in 1982, Covenant Christian School has lived up to its name with excellence. As a school, we are committed to equipping students with academic skills and a knowledge base that prepares them for post-secondary education. The quality of our curriculum is attested by our accreditation with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) and by the success of our graduates in higher education and life-readiness. Most importantly, we are dedicated to helping our students develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as this has eternal consequences.
Our first name indicates our sense of community. Being associated early on with Conroe Bible Church, the name “Covenant” was adopted to appeal to our broader Christian community. CCS is not a parochial school, sponsored by a single church or denomination. Rather, it seeks to serve Christian families in Conroe and surrounding communities in Montgomery County working cooperatively with many evangelical churches. With them, it is our mission to support and assist parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibility to bring up their children “in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4).
“Christian” however, is our middle name, and it controls and characterizes every aspect of school life. Scholastically, it means that the Bible will be a foundational textbook for every subject, for it is the source of TRUTH revealed by God which supersedes truth discoverable by human understanding alone. Relationally, it means that students will be guided toward a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior, Friend, and Lord; a relationship that bonds faculty, students, and parents as a member of a single body. Vocationally, it means that students will be encouraged to seek and follow God’s plan for their lives, the purpose of which He wisely and lovingly created and gifted them. Morally and ethically, it commits the CCS community to a distinctive lifestyle, “blameless and pure….in a crooked and depraved generation” (Phil. 2:15).
This is Covenant Christian School, a community of people committed to linking the influences of home, church, and school to produce young people who think and live “Biblically.” We recognize that you as parents are entrusting your children’s education to us and we pledge the full use of our resources, including the resource of prayer, that each one may grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).
We hope you will consider partnering with us in the vital journey and ministry that impacts our world for Jesus Christ!
Dr. Glenn Slater
Head Administrator